Straight from the heart...

Sunday, June 25, 2006

A useful note for becoming a person...

I came across a book titled "Better time management" a few days ago...apart from other things I learnt something very useful to me which I would like to share in this blog..

The difference between assertiveness , aggression and non-assertion...

Aggressive behavior:
If you:
1. Deal with the issues in a "I win you lose manner".
2. Magnify disagreements and play down agreement.
3. State your opinion as a "fact".
4. Insist on the rightness and won't discuss opinions.
5. Dismiss other people's ideas/opinions/values as worthless.
6. Deal with differences of opinion with sarcasm and hostility.

Non Assertive behavior:
If you:
1.Dismiss your ideas/virtues/opinions as worthless or less important than others'.
2.When you don't openly disagree but don't do what the other person now expects you to do.
3. When you express anger or hostility indirectly through acts of sabotage rather than openly.
4. When you express your views apologetically.
5. when you don't make decisions coz you might hurt/offend someone.

Both the attitudes are clearly depicting extremes. Another attitude which lies between the two and, to me, is the best course of action.


Assertivenesss means understanding your rights and standing up for them without infringing the rights of others.

You are being assertive when you:

1. Accept that both you and others have rights to their own opinions/ideas/values, and that these may be different as well...
2.... and that sometimes they are not right or wrong, but simply different.
3. Can express your honest opinion without it leading to a conflict.
4. Can disagree with others and have them disagree with you without it leading to a conflict.
5. Believe in your own self-worth.

I choose to be assertive...lets see how far I go!!


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